Fertility Solutions

From pre-conception through to conception, Advanced Fertility Solutions offers a variety of single formulas and packages to help with the variety of fertility health issues you may be facing.
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Es una lectura de 20 minutos sobre la naturaleza de la fertilidad, qué causa la infertilidad y cómo reconocer lo que su cuerpo está diciendo. escrito simplemente, fácil de entender.
Ovance is a proven way to increase low AMH levels, lower FSH levels and improve egg quality with diminished ovarian reserve. Shop Ovance Low AMH Formula
El precio original era: US$279.00.El precio actual es: US$189.00.
Ovance is a proven way to increase low AMH levels, lower FSH levels and improve egg quality with diminished ovarian reserve. Shop Ovance Low AMH Formula
Ovance RPM to improve egg quality
La combinación definitiva de fertilidad
The Ultimate Fertility Combination
Ovance + MaybeBaby
Ovance + MaybeBaby
El precio original era: US$494.00.El precio actual es: US$349.00.

An Important Note About Supply

Get results

Everyone wants results from the treatments and products they use. Advanced Fertility Solutions wants you to get the results you want too. Improving fertility and overcoming obstacles is rarely a quick fix.  A commitment to improvement means a commitment to time and the chance for a strategy to have an effect.


A proper course

We recommend a three-month supply of each formula for optimal results. In this time the benefit these products can offer should be recognizable, either by personal effect, blood test, or pregnancy. Three to six months is a good time for any treatment to make a difference, and provide effects. If you have pursued any treatment for 6 months or more without improvement or results, it should be time to consider other options.

Please note each bottle contains 108 capsules which is a 28 day menstrual month supply.



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Please click to view our refund policy and disclaimers.


More than 1 year ago, my husband and I had a failed IVF. The doctor diagnosed me with polycystic ovarian syndrome and an AMH level of 1.1. I found this website and followed Dr. Martin’s advise to take PCOS and Ovance for 3 months. I got pregnant 3 months after I started the formulas. My baby is now almost 5 months old. I will be 40 yo this July and would like to try for a 2nd baby. My doctor took my AMH levels 2 days ago and it is 1.5! Taking Ovance last year has not only increased my AMH but also given me one healthy baby girl!


After blood work and an ultrasound, the fertility doctor said there is no way to use my own eggs because of very low egg quality. My AMH level was 0.13, the doctor said there is no treatment to raise the AMH Level and we would need egg donation. I felt hopeless and frustrated, just didn’t know what to do.
Dr Scott Martin gave me new hope and the supplements really work! It has been 6 months since I started taking these supplements and the results are positive. My AMH level is higher.


I took ovance the combo and my AMH has gone up. At first, it was 0.064 and now it is 0.99 in just 3 months. I’m not pregnant yet but fingers crossed! I will be ordering more of them soon. Thanks Dr. Scott

Amber Dawn

I don’t usually write reviews but the Ovance RPM combo is the real deal. I’m 42 and my AMH was less than 0.1 and my Dr. was basically telling us that our only hope was IVF with a donor egg. I’m not pregnant yet but I retested my AMH and it is now 0.99 after 3 months! Truly an amazing medication. We are going to be ordering a 6 month supply and safe baby as well. Good luck to you all. If you are skeptical I say follow Dr. Scott Martin’s advice and try Ovance and retest your labs you will be a believer like my husband and me.


I had an AMH of 0.2 and FSH of 14 and I am 42. My husband’s count was a little on the low side. We did the Couples Fertility Program for 7 months, first, menovance 2 for 3 months, and we placed a second order, but by the time we finished the second order I was pregnant. It really does work! The key is to have patience. I wish you guys all the best I never thought it could happen but it did. Thanks, DR Scott


I am 45 years old female, who started trying to have kids at age 40. When I was unsuccessful, I looked to IVF. When I went to the doctor, she said I was just too old, though all my tests were normal. I gave up hope, but then over the next 2 years, I got pregnant twice but unfortunately miscarried. I then decided to return to some kind of fertility evaluation over the last 2 years. I got pregnant one more time and again miscarried. I started looking for help and found Advanced Fertility Solutions. Since then I have been able to do ivf/egg retrievals and able to fertilize 9 of my eggs. I am happy with what I have been to achieve and recommend this company if you are having issues.


I have been using this Ultimate Fertility Package for 6 months and I had a good jump in my AMH from 0.1 to 0.4! it is still too low to perform any IFV treatment but I do have my faith in this package and will continue taking them. Ohh and I went from no periods for 6 months to regular cycles thanks to this miracle package. Thank you!


At 45 years of age, my AMH was very low, 0.4. After just one month of taking the Ovance +RPM, my AMH increased to 1.25! I decided to have my AMH tested once per month so I could keep up with the results. The next month it had dropped to .95. The third month back up to 1.5. I am continuing this product as well as the IVF 1& 2, as I will be undergoing IVF soon. I was able to get one healthy blastocyst and hopefully, I will get successful implantation. Before I started Dr. Martin’s program, I had 1 unsuccessful Ivf with no blastocysts. I am very pleased with Dr. Martin and his miracle supplements. He is wonderful at communicating, asking how you’re doing and offering any help and advice he can. That’s something I really appreciate. His pills also make me feel so much better in general too.


After 6 months of taking the Ultimate Fertility Combination my latest blood test shows my AMH has increased from 0.91 to 1.75 pmol/l or 0.22 to 0.77 nglml. I will continue taking it and remain hopeful for a baby coming my way – better late than never! All the very best of luck to all the ladies out there waiting for their baby miracle!


It worked! It increased my AMH level in three months. I am 40 years old with fibroid in my uterus, chocolate cyst at the ovary and very low AMH, After the first month, I started noticing better skin and fewer mood swings. I definitely recommend it and will buy it again.


My Amh level was 0.37 and it was very frustrating as the chances of successful IVF were low. I took Ovance + Rpm formula for 3 months and now my Amh has risen to .56. I have ordered another 3 months supply. Would recommend to all who are struggling with low Amh level.


I have very low AMH/high FSH and imbalanced hormones. I have been taking this combination for 5 months now. I have noticed deeper sleep at night and more energy during the day. I also have had a greater amount of cervical fluid around my ovulation time, that I did not have much of before taking these pills. I am not pregnant yet, but feel better overall and have not had any negative side effects from these herbs. I highly recommend these herbs.


The Ultimate Fertility Combination is very easy to take and doesn’t upset your stomach. I’m 42 and had an AMH of only .18 when I started the product and also had very light flow every month. Although we still haven’t conceived yet, my AMH did double and my period flow improved greatly. I highly recommend the product.


I have been using the Ultimate Fertility Combination and I just wanted to let you know that our sweet healthy little girl, Xavia Simone, is due December 6, I’m now 20 weeks pregnant! Several of my friends/ family will be reaching out to you! Thank you!


I just wanted to let you know that I just received a positive pregnancy test. I’m 44 years old, and I am on round one, bottle #3 of the Ovance, AMH formula. So this formula works and I had not even finished the third bottle!


Hi Dr. Scott, I have been taking the Ovance and Maybe 1 formula; I am happy to share my AMH result … Two years ago my level was 1.25, then we did IVF, 2 rounds of egg retrieval, and my AMH went down to 1.05. I just started using Ovance and I am very thrilled with my AMH result, back to 1.25. This is just the beginning, and thank you for this amazing product!

See the research
Compare changes in AMH levels and pregnancy rates from over 300 clients.

AMH y Fertilidad: Los Pro’s y Con’s de Low AMH y IVF

Hace diez años, la mayoría de las clínicas de FIV se negaron a permitir que las mujeres con niveles bajos de AMH usaran sus óvulos porque las tasas de éxito eran tan bajas. Los huevos de donantes eran la única opción. Un estudio de 2010 sobre las tasas de éxito de las mujeres con niveles bajos de AMH usando sus óvulos están entre 2 – 8 por ciclo.

Niveles bajos de AMH siempre cansados
Lo que todas las mujeres con baja AMH tienen en común

Después de años de entrevistar y ayudar a las mujeres con niveles bajos de AMH, hay algo que todas tienen en común entre sí. Es tan fundamental que sustenta toda su salud fértil y es la razón principal de la infertilidad.

Sólo necesitas un óvulo para fertilizar para crear un embarazo
Aumentar el recuento de folículos antrales: La debacle de la reserva ovárica baja.

Los niveles de AMH y FSH determinan qué tan bien los medicamentos para la FIV producirán buenos huevos. Las mujeres con niveles altos de FSH y bajos de AMH responden mal a los medicamentos para la FIV. Tienen la menor probabilidad de éxito con la FIV. Hasta la fecha, ninguna terapia hormonal de FIV ha sido capaz de bajar los niveles de FSH o aumentar los niveles de AMH.

Baja AMH & FIV: Su Guía Esencial Pt3.

Las pruebas hormonales ayudan a determinar los tratamientos para problemas de fertilidad. Los límites superior e inferior de las pruebas hormonales de AMH y FSH no son donde la fertilidad cae de un acantilado. En su lugar, estos límites determinan el resultado probable del tratamiento médico para funcionar.

Baja AMH & FIV: Su Guía Esencial Pt 2.

A la mayoría de las mujeres diagnosticadas con niveles bajos de AMH se les dice que “hagan FIV inmediatamente antes de que sea demasiado tarde”. Antes de 2010, la mayoría de los centros de FIV alejaban a las mujeres que querían usar sus propios óvulos. Los huevos de donantes eran la única manera de seguir adelante.



¡Todos están embarazadas menos yo!

Para aquellos de ustedes cuyo embarazo sigue eludiendo: puede encontrar alguna idea en este artículo. Esta es una transcripción de una consulta con el Dr. Scott Martin y su cliente con respecto a algunas dificultades comunes que las mujeres sufren mientras esperan a quedar embarazadas.

¿Son los ácidos grasos EPA/DHA Omega 3 la clave para una larga vida fértil?

Durante el tiempo que la gente ha vivido, la idea de ‘La Fuente de la Juventud’ y la vida eterna nos ha fascinado. Según algunos estudios EPA/DHA Omega 3 es lo más cerca que podemos llegar a eso. Llegan hasta el punto de decir “el consumo de EPA/DHA Omega 3 puede retrasar el declive ovárico y mejorar la calidad del huevo”.